Safeguarding Policy

“Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care is an integral part of our church life. If you have any concerns about safeguarding please contact:
In the Parish: of The Isles of Scilly, Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator, Tel contact – 01720 422503
In the Diocese: Sarah Acraman Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, 01872 274351
Out of Hours for after 5pm and weekends: 01208 251300
In emergency situation:
Local Authority Children’s Social Care: 0300 123 1116
Local Authority Adult’s Social Care: 0300 1234131

Welcome to the Bells of St.Mary the Virgin, St.Mary's Isles of Scilly 

Details of the Bells 

Bell Diameter Weight Metric  Note  Name Sponsor  Dedication on headstock brass plate
Tenor   36" 8--3--7   448Kg         A Diana Anonymous In Memory of Diana, Princess of Wales
1st. July 1961 to 31st. August 1997
Seventh   32 1/2" 6--3--10   347Kg        B Edward Ron & Jan In Memory of Edward Thomas Bond
Crawford 22nd. June 1922 to 21st. January 1992
Sixth   29 1/2" 5--1--19   275Kg        C# Brian-Anne Anne  & Brian For Anne & Brian Horrell Golden Wedding
Horrell Anniversary 6th. June 2009
Fifth   28" 4--2--7   232Kg        D John Jane Houldsworth In memory of John G. Hogg 
21st. January 1925 to 1st. August 2003
Fourth    26 1/2" 3--3--2   191Kg        E Valerie Valerie Baker For Valerie, a Friend and Lover of the Islands
Third    25" 3--1--11   170Kg        F# Henry John Pawley For Henry Springer;
Died St. Mary's April 2003
Second    24" 3--0--11   157Kg        G# Ann Martin Maybrey In Memory of Ann Maybrey
21st. May 1938 to 20th. January 2008
Treble    23 1/2" 3--0--14   158Kg         A Mary Community Bell Donated by the Islanders and by Friends
of the Islands 2008
Peal of bells cast together at Whitechapel Bell Foundry to a Gillett and Johnson 1922 profile in 2008
Bell frame constructed and bells hung by Nicholson Engineering of Bridport 2009
The bells are an octave in the key of A where the frequency of the fundamental of the tenor
is 886.1 Hz to match the equivalent note of the diapasons on the St. Mary's Church organ

Site created & maintained by David Maybrey
Last updated 12/10/2024

Visitors to the site since May 2009

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